NEWS / Blog

I have some interesting statistics to share. Last year I got involved in producing and hosting fitness videos. Now, one year later, I have completed over 150 videos and they had been viewed over 2.5 million times (yes million) by thousands of people around the world! My videos are most popular in European countries, Asia and Australia. That's the major turning point in my life in 2011. I concluded that year with a voice over job for Lilly Pharmaceuticals.

Krakow, one of the films I shot some time ago, got accepted into the Breckenridge Festival of Film. It will be screened on Tuesday, June 14th; where: Sunset Gower Studios.

I have been so busy these last  couple months that I have not even had time to put any work in my upcoming film!  The idea and the story are there but I have to finalize my writing.
I continue working on my fitness videos and that takes a lot of my time. So far I've enjoyed it.
Also, I had worked on a few fun projects including hair, hair products and jewelry. The picture below comes from a shoot for a French liqueur: Grand Marnier. Very French :)
I became a 1st degree black belt in Seido karate! I went to New York to take a 4 days test, along with other people from LA, Chicago, South Africa, Italy, New Zeleand and England. The test was very hard, and physically & mentally draining.... The last day was a kumite portion, where I had to fight for several hours all the seniors (other black belts). That was the hardest part! And I survived it! I feel like I really earned it and I'm proud of it. Here are some pictures from the last day. There is one with Grandmaster Kaicho Tadashi Nakamura and Nidaime A. Nakamura; and one from one of my fights: I'm throwing a kick.  
Just a short update on what's been happening this past month. Happy New Year!
As I expected 2011 kicked off with tones of work. I have been really busy!! Nevertheless, I didn't forget about my artistic priorities; I've done some small projects, and I wrote a lot this past month. Also, I've been working on our next film: if everything goes as planned, we will begin shooting in April :) 
There is another project that I recently got involved in but I'm not going to disclose it -  I can only say it's fitness related.  Here is one of my pictures.

Deceitful is in a final stages of post-production; and now we finally have a poster!

So we completed filming another short film this passed weekend.  It was really tough because the film included some fighting sequences.  Can't wait to see how it turned out....


My second film is already in pre-production and we plan to start filming it next week.

This is going to be another short, experimental project before I touch my precious screenplay Midnight Prophecy - can't wait to put my hands on that!


I became an artistic director of Under Pressure Films productions!!  Together with a few friends, we decided to combine our ideas & talent and make films.
Our mission is to promote creative people, such as ourselves,  in TV & film industry AND have fun!
Visit our new website: -- still under construction.  


I had a busy and creative summer!

I've traveled thousands and thousands of miles. However, I also managed to film a short, which I co-created and directed ( yes, my directorial debut), and acted in a short film.

I wrote a few short scripts and still have a few ideas in mind; that includes some COMEDY!!

I’m so ready for that!!!  

Also, I started working on webisodes…but this project will take some time, so I will keep you posted.                                      

Meanwhile, enjoy Oktoberfest !!!!

Good news: I finally finished writing my screenplay AND my consultant likes it a lot!

You should have seen a smile on my face when I heard that!

All I have to do is type “The End” because apparently, I missed that part. LOL!

I have already ordered a stack of books from a library and plan to learn about production.

However, my goal is to act in it :)


6-7-2010  I made my stage comeback last week!

Fascinating thing about theater is that you can rehearse a hundred times, and there will always be something surprising... that goes wrong… and the actors have to manage through it :)

This time we had 2 surprises! During the opening night performance, my chair got stock at the table and I couldn’t get up -  Dah, I couldn’t move!!  Finally, after a few tricks I squeezed myself out of that trap.  Also, the gun that we used in a play wasn’t there! So we had to improvise around that. Great job on  my co-star’s part; He covered up really well.

Overall,  the performance went well.

Special thanks to Roya for directing it. It was great working with you- again!! 


5-27-2010   There’s been so many things going on that I already forgot what I wanted to say…

Most important: I got the greatest haircut ever!  Wait until you see it. Considering my long overdue "style" - anything would look like a million dollar fix, right? :)

No, seriously, I have been very busy, and on top of that I started rehearsing for a play.

It is a short play but quite complicated. Also it’s a period piece about a revolution so it asks for additional dose of work and research. Wish me luck-  I will need it, really!

Below is a picture from a small project we did last weekend, where I reunited with the people from “Power Poison”.  What can I say?... I’m going to remember that day - that’s how crazy it was ( in a good way, of course).

       P.S. Doesn't it look like a parody of "The Office"?   -   LOL!


 5-12-2010  Hey, remember that Martial Arts Reel I mentioned in my previous entry ?

Guess what? I have been working on it... and I completed it- or I should say, its first "draft" :)

I will be getting more footage soon. Please keep checking for more updates on that subject -- I will be adding more clips; soon I hope.  


5-4- 2010
I shot a kickboxing promo video this weekend :)  

I don’t have any footage yet but hopefully once I get it I will be able to combine it with my karate tricks and create a marital arts demo reel. 

3-1- 2010

I recently competed in the Joshin Honzan Benefit Seido Karate Tournament in Los Angeles.

I won 1st place in Kumite (sparring) in my category, women division brown belts .

2-19- 2010 

I am very happy to announce that Power Poison , the film that I worked on last year along with a group of very talented people, has won an ISFMA THREE award (Independent Short Film Music Art).

The film will be screened this weekend at the ISFMA Festival.   Congratulations !!!

February-3- 2010

I booked a spot on "The Mentalist", where I played a mail-ordered bride from Poland, who gets killed in the episode. The cast and crew were all friendly and fabulous to work with !!  

OCTOBER- 26- 2009
A week ago I got back form a trip to New York City, where I competed at the 33rd Annual Seido Karate Tournament -  my first competition with karatekas from around the world!

I entered in two categories in my division (advanced green belt): Kumite (fighting), for which I got the 2nd place, and Kata (forms) where I placed third.

      This picture is from one of my fights.


  And this is me performing my Kata



SEPTEMBER -8-2009 

I recently got back from the Grand Canyon National Park.  This visit was different from the others because I hiked the Canyon all the way down to the river and back up in 1 day!  

Round trip took us almost 14 hours.

We started to descent before 6 am, and reached the bottom around 10 am.

We rested at the Phantom Ranch and cooled down in the river for a few hours.

A little after 1:30PM we started to hike up.  It was very hot and dry!  The temperature reached above 123 degrees!   Unbelievable!!

We made it to the top before 8:00 pm and it was already super dark.

In general, the hike wasn’t difficult but very long….  

Anyway....  I think I prefer the view form the top :)

 AUGUST- 16-2009

I have been super busy working on variety of projects -mostly not only acting related but also artistic

Power Poison – the film I did some time ago has been completed. The trailer looks fantastic and even I appeared in it for a few seconds.


MARCH- 8-2009
Last week we finished filming “All I Never Wanted”. Although I had a small part, I am so glad I’ve worked on this project. First of all, it was a comedy and I haven’t done comedy in a while; and for the first time on camera I played a lesbian :)

I enjoyed that part. We all had tones of laughs! I don’t have any pictures to show you (at the moment).... I’ll try to post something soon

JANUARY- 5-2009
Happy New Year!!

I welcomed 2009 with friends in Aspen, Colorado 
Partying was awesome!  Skiing was great!  And the weather was wonderful! 

Last few weeks I spent learning video editing. It is something I always wanted to learn.So. I guess I've accomplished what I need and finished my reel :)

I thought I lost this photo! I’m glad I didn’t because it’s the only one I have.

It was taken on set of “Meet Dave” (starring Eddie Murphy) with the director Brian Robbins and all of us - the fantastic and magnificent starship crew!!! :)

Although my part ended up uncredited I had so much fun working there for 5 weeks. Just looking at this photo brings back wonderful memories!  The film is available on  DVDs.  


It's me and my dog Tina, enjoying this colorful fall season in Chicago...  

The election is over!
20 million farm animals thank you for voting YES on Prop 2  :)

I was very, very involved in the Prop 2 Campaign. Now that it has passed I'm really happy and proud of this accomplishment!
We did it !!

I was truly blessed to a part of “Krakow”!   It was a Chapman University graduate thesis film, written and directed by talented Aleks Kulig.
Everyone on set with no exceptions was friendly, hard working and very professional. I was
impressed by their amazing communication skills. They worked fantastic together!

Initially I auditioned for a supporting character; however when I got called back I was asked to read for a lead. I must admit that it was one of the most challenging roles I’ve ever worked on!

The film was based on a true story and real people. I played a young mom who after witnessing
a horrific crime decides to escape from the building, which is guarded by ruthless soldiers.

This is a picture of me and one of my victims after I killed him on set of "Gun, Head, and a Choice"!  My first role as an assassin. I really enjoyed playing this part!! For days I have practiced different tricks with knives. I tried flipping and throwing them, so I could transform into a cold blooded professional murderer.
Well, I think I did :) 
Great crew! They all were very professional, organized and prepared. 

 The film is in post-production. 

I made it to the top of Mt. Whitney!
Although I’ve hiked and backpacked before, I’ve never done anything of that magnitude!
High Sierra Trail – over 80 miles of backpacking in one week. On a very first day, my backpack weighted over 40LB!! More than half of it was my 1 week food supply.
We hiked in a group of 9 from Sequoia National Park to Whitney Portal, CA.
I must admit that this trip was challenging. Carrying heavy loads uphill, long distances, heat, and breathing in dusty air can be difficult to deal with in a long run. However, evening baths in ice cold rivers or lakes were a lot of FUN!  Views and scenery were spectacular. Clear sky full of stars – breathtaking! The best part of it was that we were so far away from everything and everyone!

      And one more...

AUGUST 21st, 2008

This entry is about my photographic accomplishments!
I thought I could share it with you.  There are photos of  nature, mostly - since I love outdoors so much!!    I didn’t win the photo contest; however, 10 out of 17 final selections were mine :) 
Check them out here, and look for an author named Agnes - that would be me :)

July 31, 2008
Just finished filming “The Crack”. Great experience! 
I worked with a French director, Lioubov Durand.  We rehearsed a lot and improvised some scenes to get “the feel “ of it.
Yesterday I picked up a copy. I like it. 

JUNE 8, 2008
I just got back from my trip to Europe!!  
I visited London, Paris, and my native Poland. It was great to see my friends and family, and get away for a month. Not to mention - I drank some good beer :)  
No wonder I got inspired to create this page.